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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM268   论文字数:7636,页数:13

摘    要

【关键词】凯雷 徐工  外资并购  政策走向


With the increasing combination of Chinese economy and the world one, especially after China''''s entry of WTO, foreign capital raises an upsurge of mergers. It has the profound influence on macro-economic running of our country and the state-owned enterprises being reforming that foreign capital enters on a large scale and plays an important role in related industries .The negative effect that it could lead to makes people to be anxious widely and think about foreign capital mergers and acquisitions policy of our country. As the touchstone of examining the policy about foreign capital mergers and acquisitions, the final result of the case of Carlyle Group merging Xuzhou Engineering and Machinery Group could reflect the trends of policy about foreign capital mergers and acquisitions in our country from now on and have the instruction significance to the future foreign capital mergers and acquisitions.
Beginning with the case of Carlyle Group merging Xuzhou Engineering and Machinery Group, this thesis deeply analyzes its arguable points and the related problems it reflects. In order to increase the positive effect of foreign capital mergers and acquisitions as far as possible and avoid or decrease its negative influence, this paper predicts the trends of foreign capital mergers and acquisitions policy in our country in the future and brings forward some constructive suggestions.

【Key Words】 Carlyle Group; Xuzhou Engineering and Machinery Group; Foreign Capital Mergers and Acquisitions; Trends of Policy
  目      录

1  凯雷收购徐工案简介....................................... 2
2  凯雷收购徐工案的争论焦点 .................................3
2.1是否形成行业垄断危及产业安全 .............................3
2.2是否危及国家经济安全 .....................................4
2.3是否贱卖 .................................................4
3 凯雷收购徐工案折射出的问题 ................................4
3.1 关于行业垄断和产业安全 ..................................4
3.2关于国家经济安全...................................... ...7
3.3关于国有资产流失 .........................................8
4 凯雷收购徐工案的启示 ......................................9
4.1外资并购政策重心将转移 ...................................9
4.2应制定和实施《反垄断法》 .................................9
4.3应制定《产业政策法》,加强产业政策引导 ...................10
4.4需加强国有资产管理,防止资产流失 .........................10
参考文献 ....................................................12
致谢 .......................................................13

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