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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ059  包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:8876,页数:13

摘   要


【关键词】 跨国公司   转移价格   内部贸易


With economic system reform’s deepening in our country, more and more transnational corporations come and invest in China one after another. Especially, the investment field is enlarged more than ever after China’s entrance to WTO. That not only promotes our country''''s economic development but also brings in some negative effects, in particular, which is caused by transnational corporations’ inner transfer price. Transnational corporations can control the parts of corporations, make them follow the aim of global strategy and ensure transnational corporations gaining the max profit. It is not draft in terms of supply and demand, but that constitute in terms of global strategy and integral profit. The transfer price of transnational corporations is a peculiar field that concerns larger and important influence. This paper begins at some news about some foreign corporations’ loss, which is not really in fact. Then ways and effects of transfer price brought by the transnational corporations are analyzed. At last, some control measures are supposed.

【Key Words】Transnational Corporations; Transfer Price; Inner Trade

目   录

1   某些外企在华的“明亏实盈”案例简叙 .............................2
2   跨国公司转移价格概述........................................... 3
2.1 转移价格的内涵 .................................................3
2.2 转移价格的特点................................................. 3
3   跨国公司使用转移价格的表现形式................................. 4
3.1 货物价格 .......................................................4
3.2 劳务费用....................................................... 4
3.3 特许权使用费 ...................................................4
3.4 提供内部贷款 ...................................................4
3.5 租赁费 .........................................................4
4   跨国公司转移价格的成因分析 .....................................5
4.1 跨国公司内部贸易的形成 .........................................5
4.2 国际税收差异 ...................................................5
4.3 利润控制....................................................... 6
4.4 规避风险....................................................... 6
5   在华跨国公司使用移价格对国内经济的影响 .........................7
5.1 侵吞我国合资合作方的利润 .......................................7
5.2 减少我国的税收收入 .............................................7
5.3 使我国的国际收支恶化 ...........................................8
5.4 危害我国相关产业 ...............................................8
5.5 降低外商直接投资的关联效应..................................... 8
6   应对在华跨国公司转移价格的策略 .................................8
6.1 彻底转变利用外资的观念,合理进行适度管制....................... 9
6.2 切实制定反转移价格相关法律,有效进行避税防范 ...................9
6.3 加快建立涉外审计制度,充分利用海关的监督作用................... 9
6.4 努力增强中方的管理权,全面提高中方人员素质 .....................10
6.5 积极加强国际税收合作,不断完善企业会计准则 .....................10
参考文献 ...........................................................12
致  谢 .............................................................13

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