论文编号:GM167 论文字数:8814,页数:13
摘 要
【关键词】 苹果汁案 倾销 反倾销 应对策略
In a moment, the train named China has sped up on the WTO track for six years. During these years, Chinese economy melts into world economics quickly and foreign trade develops so fast. But, the trade friction has intensified day by day with the huge achievement after China’s entering into WTO, especially the problem of Anti-dumping.
In many anti-dumping cases, China’s enterprises always lose the suit but the case of condensed apple juice is the successful case. The first part of the thesis exhibits the case of condensed apple juice. The second part introduces the basic theory of Dumping and Anti-dumping. The third part states the current situation of our products’ suffering the lawsuit of Anti-dumping, and then analyzes the reason from the external and internal aspect. The fourth part summarizes the main reason why the case wins the lawsuit ---- taking active measurement and the function of the business association. At last the thesis puts forward some strategy which our enterprises may adopt in facing such cases.
【Key Words】 The case of apple juice; Dumping Anti-dumping; The strategy
目 录
1.案情介绍 .....................................................2
2.倾销与反倾销概述 .............................................3
2.1 倾销与反倾销的定义 .........................................3
2.2 倾销的特征 .................................................3
2.3 反倾销措施的实施条件 .......................................4
3. 中国产品频繁遭受反倾销诉讼及其原因 ..........................4
3.1我国产品频繁遭反倾销诉讼的现状 ..............................4
3.2我国产品遭受反倾销控诉的原因 ................................5
4.从苹果汁案看我国企业在反倾销诉讼中的应对策略 .................7
4.1 苹果汁案取胜的经验分析 .....................................7
4.2 我国企业在反倾销诉讼中的应对策略 ...........................8
参考文献 .......................................................12
致 谢 ........................................................13