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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ054  论文字数:10139,页数:17

摘  要

     在地球上,犹太民族可以说是个多灾多难的民族,人口仅占世界的0.3% ,但犹太民族却是世界上最富有的民族,他们在商业领域取得出类拔萃的成绩,世界经济越来越多地操纵在犹太人的手中。本文从家庭文化,历史文化和宗教文化三个方面进行阐述,说明犹太人在商业领域取得如此成功的原因。对家庭教育高度重视塑造他们的高智商,使得他们能够做出准确的市场分析,为成功打好基础;苦难历史造就他们的高情商,使得他们在企业管理中游刃有余,为企业谋取利润;宗教信仰成就他们的高德商,促使他们获得较高的商业信誉,实现企业的可持续发展,最终获得商业领域的巨大成功。而这种成功对中国企业的发展也有现实的借鉴作用,中国应该学习犹太人,从文化上改善智商、情商、德商,使企业获得持续的发展。

【关键词】犹太人 家庭文化 历史文化 宗教文化



In the world, Jewish people suffered a series of hardships and devastation. Although its population is only 0.3 percent of the world, it has cultivated the richest people in the world who have made an outstanding contribution in the world economy. This article had done a research on family culture, historical culture and religion culture, which aims to demonstrate the reasons for great success in the economic field. Attaching great importance to the family education molds their high intelligence quotient, enables them to be able to make the accurate market analysis, and builds the foundation for the success. The miserable history brings up their high emotional quotient,causes them to accomplish a task with ease in the business management, and seeks the profit for the enterprise. The religious belief forms their high moral quotient, makes them obtain the higher commercial prestige, achieves enterprise''''s sustainable development, and finally obtains the huge success in the commercial arena. This success is helpful to the development of Chinese enterprise. Chinese should learn from Jewish people, improve the intelligence quotient, emotional quotient and moral quotient from the culture, and finally make enterprise gain sustainable development.

【Key words】the Jew ; family culture; historical culture; religion culture


 目  录

1 引言 ...........................................2
1.1 选题目的和意义 .................................2
1.2 本选题在国内外的研究状况....................... 2
1.3 本文的基本观点及创新 ...........................3
2  从家庭文化角度看犹太人商业成功 .................4
2.1 家庭教育塑造高智商的犹太人 .....................4
2.2 智商对商业成功的影响 ...........................6
3  从历史文化角度看犹太人商业成功 .................7
3.1 历史灾难造就高情商的犹太人 .....................7
3.2 情商对商业成功的影响 ...........................9
4 从宗教文化角度看犹太人商业成功 .................11
4.1 宗教信仰成就高德商的犹太人 .....................11
4.2 德商对商业成功的影响 ...........................12
5 结论 ...........................................13
5.1 犹太人商业成功原因的综述 .......................13
5.2 犹太人商业成功对我国企业发展的启示 .............14.
参考文献 ...........................................16
致   谢 ............................................17

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