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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM094     论文字数:10932,页数:14

摘    要


【关键词】  贸易摩擦;   生态纺织;   劳工标准     



China has joined the World Trade Organization, which will bring about some favorable conditions for textile exports. Because the rise of international trade protectionism and the fierce international competition. More and more trade barriers are appearing, which result in a series of trade friction. It becomes a major obstacle to China''''s textile and apparel exports. How to make China seem to find a correct way is a priority, but in today''''s international trade, we can’t continue to rely on price competition, the quality of goods and brand are key. This paper focused on the major Chinese textile trade friction and market barriers in trade. Through the understanding of the present situation and the analysis of the reasons for friction, put forward several proposals for the development of the china textile trade, I believe that we can through the shift of a series of foreign trade strategic to improve China''''s textile industry when facing difficulties, Brand countermeasures which is the focus of the study and also is the core, how to change “Made in China'''' to ''''created in china'''' is the key to upgrade the industrial structure and the development of foreign trade. Besides, there are some analysis and countermeasures of the green trade barriers and the issue of labor standards which is China''''s textile industry currently faced with.

【key words】  Trade Friction;   Ecological Textile;   Labor Standard


目  录

1 导论 ............................................2
1.1  研究背景与写作意义........................... 2
1.2  文献综述与国内外研究现状 .....................2
1.3  写作线索与结构安排 ...........................3
2  中国纺织业出口面对贸易摩擦的现状分析........... 3
2.1 近年中国纺织业贸易摩擦现状 ....................3
2.2 中国纺织品出口中遇到的主要贸易摩擦............ 4
3  造成中国纺织业出口贸易摩擦的成因分析 ...........6
3.1 中国企业自身存在的问题 ........................6
3.2  中国对外贸易战略的影响 .......................7
4  中国纺织品出口应对贸易摩擦的对策分析........... 8
4.1 对策之一------品牌 ............................8
4.2  对策之二------生态纺织 .......................10
4.3  对策之三-----合理劳工待遇 ....................11
5  结论 ...........................................12
参考文献 ..........................................13
致   谢 ...........................................14

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