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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM690  论文字数:25970.页数:36

摘  要


关键词:消费 大学城 大学生消费 不良消费 建议


 With the deepening of reform, the sustained growth of economy, the increasing wealth of goods, the extensive application of new science and technology, it must change our ways of consumption. The researches based on consumer behavior and psychological are the hot spots now on the domestic and international. College students, as learners who leave their homes for a short time, form a special group of consumers. As China''''s increased enrollment of college and university students form a huge consumer groups. One of the contents of concerning their study is researching their conditions of consumption, and then put forward the advice of countermeasure of leading college students consume positively which has the important value and practical significance. In the study found that there exist a certain can’t be ignored and badness or adverse health of consumption. In this paper, the students in the College Town such a special environment to be the object of study, and then on the consumption of college students, characteristics, the performance of consumer bad, bad consumer harm, on this basis to guide the students to the health of consumer policy proposals.
KEYWORDS:Consumption,College town,The consumption of,University students,Badness consume,Advices
第一章 引言 1
第一节 选题背景 1
第二节 选题意义 2
第三节 研究思路 2
第二章 几个重要概念的界定及相关的研究 4
第一节 消费及相关概念 4
第二节 相关经济学理论 8
第三章 大学城环境特征 10
第一节 大学城概述 10
第二节 大学城的市场环境特征 14
第四章 大学生消费现状及分析 17
第一节 大学生消费分析 17
第二节 当代大学生的消费特点 20
第五章 大学城消费的思考 25
第一节 加强大学生健康消费指导 25
第二节 强化高校学生管理 26
第三节 发挥家庭积极作用 28
第四节 小和山高教园区的反思 29

参考文献 32
致  谢 33

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