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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ079   论文字数:10433,页数:17

摘    要


【关键词】电子商务  第三方物流  第四方物流  第四方物流的运作模式



Along with the rise of e-commerce technology with the core of information technology, e-commerce technology pervade into all aspects of the logistics management, E-commerce not only play the role of logistics management performance for technology innovation, but also as an environment innovation. This indicates that logistics management has entered a new stage—Fourth-Party-Logistics stage.
This paper studies the Fourth-Party-Logistics mode of operation and business processes under the e-commerce environment. Firstly, the article begins with the production and development of Fourth-Party-Logistics. Secondly, the article analysis the actuality of Fourth-Party-Logistics under the e-commerce environment, after that, the concept of Fourth-Party-Logistics was put forward in accordance with the domestic situation. Finally, the paper holds that the development of 4PL will have a promising future.

【Key Words】E-commerce; Third-Party-Logistics; Fourth-Party-Logistics; 4PL operating mode
 目  录

1.前言 .......................................................2
1.1课题研究背景及意义........................................ 2
1.2本论文主要内容 ............................................3
2.  电子商务环境下第四方物流的产生与发展..................... 3
2.1物流是电子商务环境的重要组成部分 ..........................4
2.2电子商务环境下第四方物流的出现 ............................5
2.3 国内外第四方物流的发展现状分析 ...........................6
3.  电子商务环境下的第四方物流分析 ...........................10
3.1电子商务环境下第四方物流主体分析 ..........................11
3.2电子商务环境下第四方物流的运作模式 ........................12
3.3电子商务环境下第四方物流的业务流程分析 ....................14
4.  展望 .....................................................15
参考文献 .....................................................16
致    谢 .....................................................17

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