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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ062  论文字数:9905,页数:14

摘   要


【关键词】 电子商务 “一网通” 金融创新


Along with our country Joins WTO, the domestic finance market integrates with international finance market, Chinese banking industry development entered a brand-new stage。Facing the new situation and challenge, internal commerce bank carries out financial innovation positively, enhances the market competition strength, adapts to the economical financial environment change. Especially the on-line bank’s growing, makes the financial service informationization.
This thesis has first briefly outlined the present situation of financial service in our country’s electronic commerce, and then introduced the application of electronic commerce in the financial innovation. The thesis takes Merchants Bank’s '''' multifunctional network '''' for example, take the automobile profession buyer pays interests and the solution of on-line domestic letter of credit in electronic commerce wholesale trading as the model successful case for analysis, has indicated the success experience of Merchants Bank at the on-line bank, finally it proposes the innovation of advancing our country’s commercial bank on-line bank positively.

【Key words】E-commerce “Multifunctional network” The Finance Innovation


目  录

1   引言 ..................................................2
2   我国电子商务中金融服务的现状 ..........................2
2.1 信息化打造高效内部管理 ................................2
2.2 信息化支持全能客户服务 ................................3
2.3 信息化提升金融业竞争力 ................................4
3   电子商务在金融创新中的应用 ............................5
3.1 国有银行电子银行业务 ..................................5
3.2 招商银行电子银行业务 ..................................6
3.3 招商银行“一网通” ....................................6
4   招商银行网上银行的成功案例和经验启示.................. 8
4.1 网上信用证国内贸易链金融解决方案 ......................8
4.2 从招商银行的成功经验得出的启示.........................9
5   积极推进我国商业银行网上银行的创新.................... 9
5.1 银行业务呈现虚拟化管理模式 ............................10
5.2 个性化金融服务成为银行业务创新主流.................... 10
5.3 高效性与低成本成为银行业务主要特征 ....................10
5.4 信息管理成为银行业务的基础 ............................10
5.5 完善的创新体系是银行业务创新的基础 ....................11
6   结论 ..................................................12
参考文献.................................................. 13
致   谢 ...................................................14

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