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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ020        包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:11133,页数:20

摘    要


【关键词】电子商务  客户关系  融氏企业  CRM 



Under the electronic commerce environment, enterprises must enhance customer’s satisfaction, and impel customers to build their trust in products and to be loyal to the enterprises if they want to improve their competitive advantages. The gaining of customers is the only way for enterprises to make profits. Therefore, it is imperative that enterprises should implement CRM under the electronic commerce environment.
This thesis mainly deals with the status quo of  CRM of Shanghai Rongshi Company, and current problems, and proposes related solutions under the circumstance of e-business. Firstly, it stresses the significance and basic contents of studying CRM under the circumstance of e-business. Secondly, it focuses on the present situation of Shanghai Rongshi Company. Thirdly, it talks about the current issued when Rongshi Company carries out the CRM under the circumstance of e-business. Then, it suggests the detailed counter-measures to improve the present situation when CRM is carried out under the environment of e-business. Finally, on the basis of summarization of the whole thesis, it also looks forward to the future development of CRM.

【Key word】Electronic commerce; Customer Relations, Rongshi Company, CRM; Implementation


目  录

1 导论 .....................................................2
1.1研究背景与研究意义 ......................................2
1.2 研究现状与文献综述 .....................................2
1.3 本文研究思路........................................... 3
1.4 本文创新与不足 .........................................3
2 上海融氏企业CRM应用现状 ..................................4
2.1 CRM基本理论 ............................................4
2.2 公司概况 ...............................................5
2.3 上海融氏企业目前CRM的实施现状 ..........................5
3 电子商务环境下上海融氏企业应用CRM面临的新挑战 ............7
3.1 电子商务环境下CRM的新特点 ..............................7
3.2 上海融氏企业CRM实施面临的新问题 ........................8
4 上海融氏企业实施CRM的改进 ................................10
4.1强化目前CRM的竞争优势 ...................................10
4.2 针对新问题融氏企业应采取的解决方案 .....................11
4.3 融氏企业基于网络的CRM实现方法 ..........................13
4.4 用友针对融氏企业实施的UF/CRM实例 .......................16
5 总结和展望 ...............................................17
5.1 总结 ...................................................17
5.2 CRM的发展趋势 ..........................................18
参考文献 ...................................................19
致   谢 ....................................................20

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