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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ030      包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:14727,页数:24

摘    要


【关键词】电子商务   网上支付系统    Internet 



With the application of information networks techniques in different industrial fields in the middle and late 20th century, e-commerce based on Internet has become the latest international and modern business model, in which online payment system of e-commerce in the whole system plays an extremely important role and will cause serious impacts in the e-commerce future development.
This paper studies the domestic online payment system of e-commerce and presents the issues raised in the corresponding solution. Firstly, the article introduces some concepts of online payment system of e-commerce, types, basic components; Secondly, some present situations for the domestic online payment system of e-commerce is analyzed and some problems such as tax revenue problems, the financial impacts of electronic money, electronic currency legislation. In accordance with the present realities of the world and some measures taken by other countries, some measures and recommendations are advanced to address the problems analyzed in the paper; Finally, the paper holds the belief that online payment system of e-commerce has a promising future.

【Key Words】Electronic Commerce; On-line Payment System; Internet

 目  录

1.引言 .................................................2
1.1研究背景与目的 ......................................2
1.2文献综述 ............................................3
1.3网上支付系统的概念与基本构成........................ 3
1.4网上支付系统的种类 ..................................5
2.电子商务环境下网上支付系统面临的问题分析 .............5
2.1电子商务环境下网上支付系统概述...................... 5
2.2电子商务环境下网上支付系统面临的问题 ................8
3.电子商务环境下网上支付系统面临问题的解决............. 11
3.1应制定全面的税收政策 ................................11
3.2加强电子货币应用环境下的金融发展措施 ................14
3.3完善电子货币立法的几点建议 ..........................16
4.结论与展望 ...........................................20

4.2展望 ................................................20
参考文献 ...............................................21
致  谢 .................................................22

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