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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ035    论文字数:8641,页数:16

摘    要




The development of E-Gov Affair is just in its beginning step, so it needs the support from all sorts of theory and practice urgently. By analyzing the characteristic of E-Gov Affair, the article started from network role model, and faced electronic government affair modeling. Firstly, this paper abstracts, summarizes and improves the existing role network model (RNM). Furthermor, which is considered as the management and control model of business integration. And then, it aimed at the four main methods of electronic government affair’s cooperation, and extended the meliorated network role model, lodged cooperative organized model, cooperative mission model, cooperative process model and cooperative resource model, respectively.  The paper analyzes and illustrates the software Architecture. Finally, an example of administration permit business integration based on HRNM ( hierarchical role network mod ) is given in order to il-lustrate the proposed model.
As the operating model of government affair, the four extended network role model do not only hold consistently to the government’s administer system and give prominence to the function of role in applicative integration,  but also better adapt the diversity of electronic government affair. 
【Key Words】e-government  affair; computer supported cooperative works; role network model


目  录
引 言 ......................................................2
1  改进的RNM(Role Network Model) ..........................2
1.1 业务对象 ................................................3
1.2 角色 ....................................................3
1.3 RNM .....................................................3
2 电子政务协同工作的特点 ...................................4
3  面向电子政务协同环境的角色网络扩展模型 ...................5
3.1  EGCM模型的定义 .........................................5
3.2  基于RNM的协作组织模型构建(M0-RNM).................... 6
3.3 基于RNM的协作资源模型构建(MR-RNM) ....................7
3.4 基于RNM的协作任务模型构建(MT-RNM).................... 9
3.5 基于RNM的协作过程模型构建(MP-RNM)..................... 10
4  面向一站式行政审批系统的HRNM及其业务集成实例 .............13
5  结束语 ...................................................14
参考文献 ....................................................15
致    谢 ....................................................16

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