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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM130      论文字数:7961,页数:12

摘    要


【关键词】产业承接转移  经济发展  长珠闽地区  赣州市  措施  


Under the trend of economic globalization, the phenomena of industrial movement are absolutely attractive. In terms of the economy development of East Asia initially the rapid bloom of its economy after the war has turned japan into the second economic superpower in the whole world because its respondence to American industrial movement. Later the economy boom of Asian “four tiger” followed. Subsequently the economies of East Federstion 4 are taking off. It is such a driving chain as industrial movement that creates “East Asia miracle”.
The principles of industrial movement play the same important role in the economy development in our country. During 1980’s the east coastal region made a first step in the respect of opening up for foreign investment because of its location advantages and the special open policy. Industries moved from developed countries and regions have promoted the economy the east coastal region. With the new trend of international industrial movement, it is more advantageous to further accept international industries. Enhancing implementation of comparison and backup advantages could lead international industries to move to our country. Ganzhou city belongs to the low grade region and lies in the common Chang Zhu Min region. It should grasp the chance to respond to the industrial movement and prosper economy.  
The thesis begins with the current economic and social development of Ganzhou city, and then specifically analyses the problems and qualifications of Ganzhou’s accepting industrial movement. At last, The thesis puts forward to the corresponding counter-measures and suggestions.

【Key words】 Accepting Industrial Movement   Economy Development
Chang Zhu Min region  Ganzhou City   Counter-Measures


目  录

1  赣州市承接产业转移中的外商投资概况 ..............................2
1. 1 2001年后外资企业发展迅速 ......................................2
1. 2 外商投资主要向制造业集中 ......................................3
1. 3港台资本所占比重较大 ...........................................5
2   赣州市承接产业转移面临的问题 ...................................5
2. 1 土地资源紧张成招商引资瓶颈 ....................................5
2. 2 出口商品结构有待优化,自主名牌效应出口商品较少 ................6
2. 3 对外经济合作意识不强,外经企业发展不平衡 ......................6
2. 4 与“长珠闽” 合作存在着障碍 ...................................6
3 赣州市承接产业转移的有利条件分析 .................................7
3. 1 交通便利,四通八达 ............................................7
3. 2 劳动力成本低,资源储量多,利润空间大.......................... 7
3. 3 初步存在产业集群化优势 ........................................7

3. 4 投资软环境得到进一步优化 ......................................8
4  赣州市承接产业转移的对策建议.................................... 8
4. 1 消除土地紧缺瓶颈,加快产业承接发展进程......................... 8
4. 2 实施自主名牌战略,优化出口产品结构 ............................9
4. 3 加大“走出去”的步伐 ..........................................9
4. 4 解放思想、加快体制创新 ........................................9
4. 5 突出招商引资,抓住主攻工业 ....................................10
4. 6寻求“双赢”是产业承接的纽带 ...................................10
参考文献 ...........................................................11
致   谢 ............................................................12

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