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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM137   论文字数:6723,页数:11

摘    要


[关键词]国际贸易 核心理论 新思考 均衡比例理论



Traditional international trade theory is confronting the harsh challenges that come from the contemporary development, which can’t explain many questions of international trade. However, although every model of new trade theory could explain one or several new questions and new phenomena, international, they miss a unified basic theory, so as to international trade theory showing messy diversity condition. Here as to, the article accept some parts of new trade theory while give up some, additionally, there are some new ideas about international trade theory, trying to indict a new academic module as the inhabitation and development to international basic theory.

[key words] international trade, kernel theory, new ideas, even proportion theory


目  录
1.传统国际贸易理论的历史局限性 ..................................2
2.新贸易理论缺乏统一的核心理论 ..................................3
3. 国际贸易成因的新解释---均衡比例理论 ..........................4
3.1对生产要素种类的细分......................................... 5
3.2均衡比例理论的提出 ...........................................6
3.3一国均衡比例的计算及其意义 ...................................7
4.结语 ..........................................................8
参考文献 ........................................................10
致谢 ............................................................11

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