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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ042     论文字数:11480,页数:24

摘   要

【关键词】  电子口岸  对策  电子商务



With the advancement on the construction of“Four Centers'''' in Shanghai,especially on the construction of Shanghai International Shipping Center,it has become an important issue to enhance the working efficiency of Shanghai port customs clearance.
Based on the researches of domestic experts, the article makes a concrete analysis of some problems of Shanghai’s Electronic Port, including the functions, the macroscopic and microcosmic environment, the inner and outside environment, as well as the developing and countermeasures, and so on. Finally, it goes to a conclusion that Shanghai has already strode into the list of cities which have ports of first class, and also has had the main conditions to become a central city of International Shipping. Facing the competition from all over the world, Shanghai must grab the opportunities and solve the problems timely during the process of it’s developing.

【Key words】 E-port  measurement   EB


目  录
1.引言 ...................................................2
1.1研究的背景 ............................................2
1.2研究的意义 ............................................2
1.3本文的创新与不足 ......................................2
2. 相关概念理解 ..........................................3
2.1口岸的含义 ............................................3
2.2电子口岸的定义 ........................................3
2.3电子口岸的作用 ........................................3
3. 文献综述 ..............................................6
3.1国内研究现状 ..........................................6
3.2国外研究现状 ..........................................7
4. 电子口岸相关问题的研究 ................................8
4.1电子口岸的内容 ........................................8
5.上海电子口岸发展面临的环境形势分析 .....................9
5.1宏观环境.............................................. 9
5.2微观环境 ..............................................10
5.3内部环境 ..............................................12
6 上海电子口岸现状及分析 .................................13
6.1上海电子口岸现状 ......................................13
6.2上海电子口岸现状分析 ..................................15
7 上海电子口岸发展对策 ...................................18
7. 1加强政府对电子口岸建设宏观管理 .......................18
7.2加强企业物流数据的信息化建设 ..........................19
7.5完善“一站式”报检报关服务 ............................20
7.6完善电子口岸法制环境,健全法规框架体系 ................20
结论..................................................... 21
参考文献 .................................................23
致    谢 .................................................24

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