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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM152     论文字数:9140,页数:13

摘    要


【关键词】对外直接投资   企业竞争力   TCL国际化



With China''''s accession to the WTO and rapid economic development, deepening reform and opening up, some Chinese enterprises are no longer limited to the primary trade processing. Now a large number of Chinese enterprises take an important place in the international arena in all aspects to competition with foreign enterprises. However, the vast majority of enterprises still product in domestic, meanwhile China''''s economic situation is not optimistic, and the trade environment is also becoming worse. Domestic production costs that our enterprises relied on in the past are disappearing. In the current economic environment, going abroad is inevitable correct choice. Foreign direct investment is an important way for our company’s developing.
In this paper, I firstly theoretical analyze foreign direct investment tremendous advantages in contrast with international trade and indirect investment. Then a detailed analysis of the TCL foreign direct investment is given. and we can see some new competitive power in TCL .In the last, I aggregate some experience and lessons of TCL that should be learned by other enterprises of China, and give some suggestions for our companies to become competitiveness via foreign direct investment.

【Key words】 Foreign direct investment; Enterprise Competitiveness; TCL Internationalization


目   录

引言 2
1  对外直接投资对我国企业竞争力的作用 .............................2
1.1对外直接投资与间接投资相比的优势 ...............................2
1.2 对外直接投资与国际贸易相比的优势 ..............................3
2  TCL的对外直接投资进程 ..........................................3
2.1 TCL的发展历程 .................................................3
2.2 TCL的对外直接投资的进程 .......................................4
3 TCL在对外直接投资中获得的竞争力................................. 5
3.1对TCL在欧洲直接投资之前的竞争力分析 ............................5
3.2 TCL在对外投资中所获得竞争力 ...................................6
4  TCL对外直接投资的经验教训及启示 ................................8
4.1 TCL在对外投资中的经验教训 .....................................8
4.2 对我国企业对外直接投资的建议 ..................................10
结束语 ............................................................11
参考文献 ..........................................................12
致   谢 ...........................................................13

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