论文编号:GM829 论文字数:16774.页数:24
法律总是追随着社会秩序混乱而产生的,商标法的不断更新,也从另一个侧面说明了商标问题的层出不穷。从商标注册开始,到商标变更转让,到驰名、著名商标的认定,到商标品牌假冒和商号域名强注等等,每一个环节都可能出现侵权纠纷问题。同样,这些问题存在于各个行业,服装、涂料、家电、化妆品、烟酒食品行业等等都屡有商标侵权事件发生,在这样的现状下,无论是大型的集团公司,还是中小型企业都同样需要强化商标意识.明确其对企业长远发展,可持续发展的重要性.尤其是中小型企业不要 把主要精力放在借重他人商标上,以致造成侵犯他人商标专用权被追究,以致企业发展面临重大障碍.而应该加强企业从长计议的意识,加强既求目前发展,也求未来发展的意识. 开创出宜个属于自己的品牌!
The law is always abolished along with the chaos of social order. The Trademark Law which updates constantly reflect the trademark issue is in an endless stream from another aspect. From the Trademark’s Registry, to its change and the cession, from the famous and far-famed trademark’s cognizance, to trademark counterfeiting and brand-business domain name note, and so on. Infringement disputes may appear in every step of the course. Also, these problems may exist in all sectors, such as clothing, paint, household appliances, cosmetics, tobacco and food industry and so on .in this condition, whether the company is large or small and medium-sized needs to strengthen the awareness of trademarks. know its importance for the long-term development and sustainable development of enterprises.
In particular, the small and medium enterprises should not focus on relying on others’ trademarks, or it will be punished by infringing the trademark rights of others’, this also can be obstacles of the development of enterprises. And enterprises should strengthen the awareness of the long-term development and seek to strengthen the consciousness which is not only for the current development, but also for the future the development. To fall within the category to create their own brand names!
KEYWORDS: trademarks, trademark rights ,Infringement disputes, brand
目 录
第一章 引 言 1
第二章 商标与商标权 2
第一节 商标的概述 2
第二节 商标权 3
一 商标权的内容 3
二 商标权的特性 4
第三章 商标的侵权行为 5
第一节 商标侵权行为的表现方式 5
一 我侵犯别人 5
二 别人侵犯我 7
第二节 商标侵权行为高发的原因 9
第四章 中小企业如何面对商标侵权 11
第一节 商标权纠纷的灵活处理 11
第二节 中小企业也应该有商标意识 12
第三节 中小企业品牌策略性建设的意义 12
第五章 中小企业进行品牌创建的必要性分析 14
第六章 品牌建设的层次处理 17
第七章 总 结 19
【参考文献】 20
致 谢 22