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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM763  论文字数:14963.页数:21  附任务书,开题报告,文献综述

摘  要
 Industry cluster is a new highlight in the world economic development and The textile and clothing industry has earlier entered the cluster development stage. But, along with knowledge economy arrival, it falls into a difficult position and has become an imperative to solve problem that how can we develop in knowledge economy.  It is an effective way that constructing industrial cluster brand for the textile and clothing industrial cluster’s sustainable development. How to enable the development of the textile and clothing industry cluster is the theme of this article.
 The article takes the theory of economic as the basic frame. Utilizing the SWOT analysis to obtain the matrix frame chart of the textile and clothing industrial cluster brand strategy choice. Last, analyzing the Shengzhou ties industry cluster brand construction with the case study method.
KEYWORDS:Industrial cluster, Cluster brand, Textile and clothing industry cluster brand, Shengzhou tie industry cluster

第一章  导论 1
第一节  论文选题的背景和意义 1
第二节  研究内容 2
第二章  产业集群品牌研究相关理论 3
第一节  产业集群相关理论 3
第二节  产业集群品牌形成相关理论 4
第三章  纺织服装产业集群的品牌分析与战略 5
第一节  纺织服装产业集群品牌SWOT分析 5
第二节  纺织服装产业集群品牌建立的战略 7
第四章  纺织服装产业集群品牌战略的实证分析—以嵊州领带产业集群品牌战略为例 10
第一节  嵊州概况 10
第二节  嵊州领带产业集群及集群品牌的发展历程 10
第三节  嵊州领带产业集群品牌建设的SWOT分析 11
第四节   嵊州领带产业集群品牌的建立 13
四、加强产业集群的营销宣传工作 14
第五章  总结 15
参考文献 16
致  谢 17

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