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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM140     论文字数:13970,页数:19

摘   要


[关键词]  竞争  保险业  福建   比较优势



The policy of open and regulation will be executed for the second time in our country since our country got into the WTO. The insurance industry will be tendency to go for the open and international situation gradually continuously owing to the contract that China has promised.
This article has broken up two sides for the comment of insurance industry by the means of analyzing the insurance industry, one side is the comment of competitive capacity in reality, which cinstitutes mainly the quality of the asset scale, profit ability, market`s portion, investment ability; other side is the potential competitive capacity, which constitutes personal resource, the structure of corporation`s manmgement, such factors will play a key role with competitive capacity for the insurance company probably. As a result, it has gotten out the conclusion that insurance industry existed in problems and the developing tendency for insurance industry in Fu Jian province.

[key word]  Competition  Insurance industry  Fu Jian  Compatitive advantage  


目   录
1 产业竞争力综述 ...................................................2
1.1产业竞争力的决定因素 ............................................2
1.2 波特竞争理论原理............................................... 3
2中国保险业的发展状况以及问题 ......................................3
2.1整体的保险服务业的收入状况 ......................................3
2.2 保险行业存在的主要问题 .........................................4
2.3 保险服务业的外资进入状况 .......................................4
3中国保险业竞争力比较分析 ..........................................4
3.1 市场规模分析 ...................................................5
3.2 中国保险公司经营分析 ...........................................6
3.3相关产业支持状况 ................................................7
3.4 要素供给分析 ...................................................10
4中国保险业面临新形势下的措施 ......................................14
4.1 中国保险业的总体战略........................................... 14
4.2 “入世”后中国保险市场结构的调整问题 ...........................14
4.3 “入世”后中国保险业务空间的拓展和制度创新问题 .................15
4.4 重视保险资金的运用 .............................................16
4.5建立和完善保险行业的专业制度系统 ................................16
参考文献 ...........................................................18
致  谢 .............................................................19

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