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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM764  论文字数:12442.页数:26  附任务书,开题报告,文献综述

 摘  要
Due to various reasons resulting in enterprise can not deliver the goods in time,this paper puts forward some comprehensive ways. Customizing enterprise to control  large-scale projects cosmically. Aim at the characteristic of batch production, and the  individuation and diversification of production in customization,through the way of project management,the enterprise need regard each order as a project,and to exert its advantages of flexible management,reduce the mistakes which is occurred because of mass projects.Exerting statistical analysis to manage the data is based on the former data of seedtime for materials and production,build the mode to control the order schedule. Construct a sharing system for enterprise information of production chain,to connect the distributed database of the supply-chain,then it can reduce to supply production that is not in time which is because of the obstacles in communication between enterprises. It’s propitious to control the order schedule enhanced. In combination of push-pull type of supply chain,this way, which use push type operation in upriver and pull type operation in downriver,can avoid the problems of cost for stock, management and fund occupation,and also can avoid the matter of the order cannot be deliver in time because of small lot production. Implementing just-in-time purchasing pattern,can cultivate the consciousness of the enterprise to deliver the order on time. Through the third party logistics,which can reduce logistics time,is propitious to control the order schedule of the enterprises.
KEYWORDS:  Order,Delivery,Control  channels


第一章   引言 1
第二章 大规模定制企业多项目控制 3
第一节 大规模定制企业多项目概念 3
第二节 大规模定制企业多项目的特点 4
第三章 运用统计分析进行数据管理 6
第一节 数据统计分析方法介绍 6
第二节 数据统计分析方法案例分析 7
第四章  构建供应链共享信息系统 9
第五章  实施推拉结合的供应链模式 11
第一节 推动式供应链 11
第二节 拉动式供应链 11
第三节 推拉结合的供应链模式 12
第六章 实施准时制采购模式 14
第一节  准时化采购的特点 14
第二节  准时制采购模式实施方法 15
第七章  物流分销策略 18
结   论 20
参考文献 21
致   谢 23

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