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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM144     论文字数:9847,页数:15

摘    要


[关键词]  入境游  旅游资源  旅行社  中国入世议定书



The international tourism of our country has been play a very important role in Chinese  international  services trade. The development of international tourism is a significant part of the nation economic growth.
This article first introduced our country international tourism overall development situation, and has brief displayed the influence international  travelling development factor. Then carry out a general introduction about the influence of entrying the WTO. Finally , according to the above , I summarized the solution of the problems.    
Our country`s international tourism will have more and more challenge and chance after entry WTO.  This article first introduced our country international tourism overall development situation, and has brief displayed the influence international  travelling development factor.

【Key Words】 International tourism service trade   International traveling market  blic of China   Protocol on the accession of the people,s republic of China

目  录

1  我国国际旅游贸易发展情况 ..............................2
1.1 东部发展情况 .........................................3
1.2 西部发展情况 .........................................3
2  影响国际旅游业发展的因素 ..............................3
3  我国现有竞争力分析 ....................................5
3.1 入世对我国国际旅游贸易经营影响分析 ...................5
3.2 旅游资源分析 .........................................8
3.3 旅社经营分析 .........................................10
3.4 其他因素分析 .........................................11
4  发展对策 ..............................................12
4.1 研究我国入世承诺 .....................................12
4.2 重视旅游资源的开发与保护 .............................12
4.3 提高旅社经营管理 .....................................13
4.4 其它 .................................................13
参考文献................................................. 14
致   谢 ..................................................15

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