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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM250 包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:7563,页数:13

摘    要


【关键词】海尔  商务网络平台 物流



In the network economy time, the electronic commerce has already become a new model for people to do business. It is imperative that enterprises should develop electronic commerce. With the further globalization of international economy, the competition among enterprises has changed from traditional patterns to the competition patterns by E-commerce. Enterprises should develop their E-commerce strategy in order to have a sustainable development and to enhance their competition capability in the global market.
This article, based on electronic commerce theory, has analyzed Haire''''s electronic commerce pattern. This article is divided into three chapters. Chapter one briefly introduced the Haire group as well as the Haire group electronic commerce idea. Chapter two, as the key issues of the whole text, emphatically analyses the successful story of Haire’s application of electronic commerce. Chapter three provides some good lessons for domestic enterprises to develop electronic commerce through the analysis of Haire electronic commerce.

[key words] Haire; Commercial network platform; Logistics


 目   录

1 海尔电子商务概述 .............................................2
1.1海尔集团简介 ................................................2
1.2海尔的电子商务理念 ..........................................2
2 海尔电子商务成功应用 .........................................4
2.1海尔物流“一流三网”同步模式的趋势 ..........................4
2.2海尔B2B应用及企业内部管理 ...................................5
2.3 海尔的B2C应用 ..............................................6
3 海尔电子商务给国内企业带来的启示 .............................8
3.1 海尔的“一流三网”模式及B2B、B2C带来的几点启示............. 8
3.2海尔增值性物流服务启示 ......................................9
4 国内企业要加大发展电子商务力度 ...............................10
5 总结 .........................................................10
参考文献 .......................................................12
致  谢 .........................................................13

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