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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM104     论文字数:8137,页数:13

摘   要


【关键词】   国际化经营   品牌经营     国际化战略




This article unifies the Chinese enterprise’s actual present situation and the key research, analyzes Haire and the rainbow’s different internationalizations. It aslo analyzes their different internationalization management strategies.
Today, many Chinese enterprises do not satisfy the domestic market’s competition,they extend their antennas to the overseas. But they choosed different internationalization management path unfing their own situation. This article obtained some conclusions that all had to pay great attention to the brand’s construction and the core competitive ability’s promotion through comparing Haire and the rainbow’s different internationalization .
Through this paper’s writing, I felt the Chinese enterprise’s hardship in the internationalization advancement, but I was glad for the the achievement which had been obtained by Haire and the rainbow in the internationalization .In brief, if we want to success in the internationalization management, we must choose an appropriate path.

【Key Words】Internationalization management       Brand management
 Internationalization strategy


目   录
1   前言 ..............................................2
1.1  企业国际化经营的界定 .............................2
1.2  国内外有关国际化经营的研究 .......................2
1.3 选题由来 ..........................................3
1.4 结构 ..............................................3
2   海尔的国际化经营简述 ..............................3
2.1  海尔的成长历史 ...................................3
2.2  海尔的国际化经营道路的经验总结 ...................4
3 长虹的国际化经营简述 ................................5
3.1  长虹的发展历史 ...................................5
3.2  长红的国际化经营道路的经验总结................... 6
4   海尔和长虹的国际化经营道路之比较 ..................7
4.1  经营方式的比较................................... 7
4.3 价格策略的比较 ....................................8
4.4 风险和收益的比较 ..................................9
5  我国家电企业成功国际化经营的建议 ...................10
5.1 海尔和长虹国际化经营比较的结论 ....................10
5.2  我国家电企业国际化经营的建议 .....................10
参考文献 ..............................................12
致谢 .................................................13

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