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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM054    包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:10399,页数:15

摘    要


【关键词】品牌  品牌战略   品牌资产 



The development of market economy takes world into brands competitive times. As the means that enterprise develops sale campaign, brands differentiate the product of enterprise from that of competitors. It is also the method that keeps the market place of enterprise and makes the enterprise gain profit in the process of sale campaign. For a long period, it has become an important tool that enterprises fight for and occupy market. In president, when the product discrepancy become more and more unobvious. In order to gain a position in the cruel market life and death war,  the domestic management of enterprise also gradually realizes the importance of brands strategy, especially after fighting against the strong brands abroad. At the same time, all kinds of enterprises push out the big flag of brands in succession, challenging the international strong brands. But after tens of years fight between domestic brands and strong brands abroad, few enterprises can leave their brands in the memory of masses of customers. So why so many domestic brands died young? How domestic enterprise to change this situation? Perhaps, after having analyzed the mistake district of some domestic industries and having summarizing the experience of success and fail on their brands.

 【Keywords】Brands;  Brands strategic; Brands asset

目   录

1    海尔品牌国际化塑造的成功之处 .................3
1.1 海尔品牌阶段性战略 ...........................3
1.2  海尔品牌多元提升战略 .........................4
1.3 海尔品牌自主创新战略 ..........................4
1.4  海尔品牌内涵延伸战略 .........................5
2   海尔品牌国际化战略的困局与对策 ................6
2.1 海尔品牌国际化战略遭遇的困局 .................6
2. 2  海尔品牌国际化战略发展对策 ..................8
参考文献 ..........................................14
致   谢 ...........................................15

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