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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM271  论文字数:8475,页数:12

摘   要

在频频发生的反倾销调查中,行业协会的作用越来越重要。我国行业协会近年来虽不断规范与完善,但发展状况仍落后于国外行业协会,亟需进一步改革。本文在剖析中国遭遇反倾销情况的基础上,指出行业协会在企业应对反倾销中应发挥积极作用,包括组织并帮助企业进行反倾销应诉,统一聘请律师、会计师,协助、参与价格承诺谈判和力争国外进口商和消费者的积极配合等。在此之后,文章分析了制约行业协会在反倾销中发挥积极作用的因素, 并藉此对如何在反倾销中加强行业协会作用提出了相关政策建议,包括为行业协会健康发展创建健康环境,促进行业协会与政府的良性互动等。

【关键词】行业协会 反倾销 预警机制

During the investigation anti-dumping suit that happened frequently, the function of trade associations has become more and more important. Although we have normalized and consummated our trade associations consistently these years, the development of them lags behind foreign associations still and needs further reforms. Therefore, based on the analysis of situation that China faces in anti-dumping investigation, this paper points out that trade associations should play an active role in tackling foreign countries’ anti-dumping suit, includes to organize and help enterprises to effect the litigation of anti-dumping, to hire lawyers and accountants for enterprises, to assist enterprises and participate directly in price negotiation, and to coordinate with the exporter and consumer actively. Furthermore, this paper analyzes the factors that block trade associations to play an active role in anti-dumping suit. And start from this, the paper put some suggestions about how to reinforce the role of trade associations in anti-dumping suit, includes creating a healthy business environment and promoting the interaction between trade associations and government.
【Key Words】trade associations   anti-dumping   pre-warning mechanism


目     录

1 近年来中国遭遇反倾销的情况分析............................2
1.1 案件数量多、范围广......................................2
1.2 涉案金额大、损失严重 ...................................3
1.3 发起国家相对集中........................................3
2 行业协会在企业应对反倾销中可以发挥的作用 .................4
2.1 组织并帮助企业进行反倾销应诉 ...........................4
2.2 帮助企业统一聘请律师和会计师 ...........................4
2.3 协助、参与价格承诺谈判,并提供建议......................4
2.4 力争国外进口商和消费者的积极配合 .......................5
3 制约行业协会在反倾销中发挥积极作用的因素 .................5
3.1 直接因素 ...............................................5
3.2 间接因素................................................6
4 在反倾销中加强行业协会作用的策略探讨 .....................7
4.1 创建行业协会健康发展的环境 .............................7
4.2 促进行业协会与政府的良性互动........................... 8
4.3 其他策略............................................... 9
参考文献 ...................................................11
致   谢.....................................................12

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