论文编号:GM675 论文字数:15724.页数:25
摘 要
关键词:总部经济,总部集聚, 发展战略,可行性研究
With the rapid development of information and network technology and economic globalization,the organization structures in space have such a change that headquarters and industry have been separated. Many headquarters collect in central cities and industry and manufacture bodies collect in some other regions. This type of management becomes a chain of industry and market. A headquarter is in fact the supervising center for its activities in this region. Nowadays, many cities take up to develop headquarters economy.
This paper describes the basic concepts of headquarters economic theory and characteristics of effect. On this basis, the author summarizes the environmental conditions of urban developing headquarter economy and analyzes its own characteristics and economic conditions of Hangzhou to develop headquarter economy by studying its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Finally, by drawing on the experience of Shanghai, the author makes a number of recommendations for the further development of the headquarters economy of Hangzhou.
KEYWORDS:Headquarters economy, Headquarters cluster, Developing strategy, Feasibility research
第一章 引言 1
第二章 总部经济相关概念 3
第一节 总部经济的基本概念 3
第二节 总部经济的特征与效应 4
第三节 发展总部经济的认识误区 5
第三章 杭州市发展总部经济的SWOT分析 7
第一节 杭州市概况及其经济现状 7
第二节 杭州市发展总部经济的必要性 8
第三节 杭州市发展总部经济的SWOT分析 9
第四章 上海发展总部经济的经验 13
第一节 上海发展总部经济的总体情况 13
第二节 上海总部经济的特点分析 13
第三节 总部经济对上海经济发展的影响 14
第五章 杭州发展总部经济的建议 17
第一节 充分借鉴上海的经验与发展模式 17
第二节 扬长避短,发挥自身优势 17
第三节 认清劣势与不足,提高竞争力 18
第四 节 抓住机遇,加快发展 19
第六章 结论 20
参考文献 21
致 谢 22