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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM196    论文字数:10875,页数:16

摘   要


【关键词】合资企业  跨文化冲突 跨文化管理 跨文化冲突对策


Global economic integration have further accelerated joint transnational management. Transnational management not only advanced the competitive capability fully, but also impulsed the internationalization of company’s development. Meanwhile, transnational management have brought some unexpectable negative function when it created more and more development’s opportunities to the company. But an enterprise would be influenced and shocked by foreign culture finally whether it is transnational management or not. And the result of transnational management will certainly lead to trans-cultural conflict management.
This paper expounded the connotation of trans-culture conflict and analyzed the reasons of trans-cultural conflict. And from three aspects(different nation’ culture background, different company’ culture style and difference of staff individual cultural diathesis) to point out what affect of transnational management caused by cultural conflict. On the basis of finding problems in process of trans-cultural management, I put forward a series of proposal for trans-cultural conflicts.

[key Words] Joint Venture;Trans-culture Conflict;Trans-cultural Management;The Measures of Trans-cultural Conflict


目  录

1   合资企业跨文化冲突的内涵与表现 ..................................2
1.1 跨文化冲突的含义 ................................................2
1.2 跨文化冲突的表现 ................................................3
2   跨文化冲突的成因分析 ............................................4
3   跨文化冲突的影响 ................................................7
4  跨文化冲突的应对策略 ............................................11
4.1 充分认识到跨文化管理是人的管理 ..................................12
4.2 尊重差异,增强跨文化意识 ........................................13
4.3 根据企业特点采取合适方式进行文化整合 ............................13
4.4 加强企业内部的沟通,促进内部关系的融洽 ..........................13
4.5 进行跨文化培训 ..................................................13
4.6 建立共同的经营观和公司文化 ......................................14
5 结束语 ............................................................14
参考文献 ............................................................15
致谢 ................................................................16

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