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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM236  包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:8077,页数:13

摘    要


【关键词】服务业  利用外资  湖南


The development of the service sector is a measure of the level of socialized production and the socio-economic development of the important signs. The use of foreign capital is essential to upgrade the development of the service industry standards, and achieve development services across the key. Hunan services sector showed the use of foreign investment is low, irrational investment structure characteristics, how to promote foreign investment in Hunan services will become Hunan economic development decision factors.
From my view, we must first change their ideas and raise awareness. China''''s planned economy made people have a light weight production services thoughts. Therefore, we should further emancipate their minds, update their concepts, and fundamentally correct inferior services in the narrow understanding, fully aware of the services sector in economic development for the important role. Actively exploring the use of foreign services in the new area, Hunan services utilizing foreign investment mainly concentrated in the real estate industry. There is a lot of room for development. Not only to work on the hardware, software construction should increase input: Hunan, high-level manpower shortage, So should intensify its training and introduction of talent for the use of foreign capital to provide services and intellectual resources; further improve on the services sector of the domestic legal system and the related policies; Optimization the legal environment will push the further development of promoting foreign investment.

【Key Words】service industry, Hunan province, utilizing foreign capita

目   录
1 服务业利用外资的重要性分析 ................................................2
1.1有利于服务业国际竞争力的提高............................................. 2
2  湖南省服务业利用外资的现状 ...............................................3
2.1湖南省服务业吸收外资的规模与领域 .........................................4
2.2  湖南省服务业利用外资的地区分布......................................... 5
3 湖南省服务业中利用外资存在的问题.......................................... 5
3.1 投资结构不合理.......................................................... 5
3.2 行业分布不合理.......................................................... 6
3.3 投资环境不完善.......................................................... 6
3.4 专业人才缺乏 ............................................................7
4  湖南省服务业加大吸收外资的思考 ...........................................7
4.1 转变观念,提高认识 ......................................................7
4.2 积极探索服务业利用外资新领域,进一步优化服务业利用外资结构 ..............8
4.3改善环境,加快推进服务业的开放 ...........................................9
4.4 加强服务业人才的培养和教育,为外资进入服务业提供智力资源.................10
4.5 进一步完善国内有关服务业的法律法规体系及相关政策,优化法律环境 ..........10
参考文献 ....................................................................12
致   谢 .....................................................................13

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