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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM139   论文字数:9674,页数:16

摘    要


【关键词】江铃汽车出口 欧洲汽车市场 SWOT分析 汽车出口策略



Products export strategy is an inexorable trend of economic globalization and enterprise internationalization, is an inexorable choice of enterprise’s certain period, and it is guarantee for enterprise’s sustainable development.
This article bases on overseas export marketing theory, and combines demonstration analysis with regular analysis to research China JMC Group Corporation. Through the analysis about advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and risks of JMC, we get some problems during JMC’s products export period. After combining with characters of JMC, we get a products export strategy that JMC should take in European market, and it will provide some references for JMC products’ export.
This article consists of four parts, the brief introduction as follows:
The first part simply introduces JMC’s exporting situation.
The second part gives some analysis about European automobile market.
The third part is about strength, opportunity and threat (SWOT) of JMC.
The fourth part raises the present export stratagem of JMC on the basis of analysis in part Two and part Third. Mainly contains: choosing export markets, the way of entering into export markets, price strategy and makes management in export markets.

【Key Words】JMC export, European automobile market, SWOT analysis, Strategy of products export

目  录
1  江铃汽车主要产品和出口情况 ....................................2
1.1 江铃汽车主要产品介绍 .........................................2
1.2 江铃汽车产品出口现状 .........................................2
2  欧洲汽车市场分析 ..............................................3
2.1 汽车需求动力强劲 .............................................3
2.2 需求偏好转变 .................................................4
2.3 欧洲汽车市场成熟 .............................................5
3  江铃汽车出口欧洲市场的SWOT分析 ................................5
3.1 面临的机遇 ...................................................5
3.2 面临的威胁 ...................................................6
表3.2  劳动力成本指数增长率(基于2005年数据) ....................8
3.3 具备的优势 ...................................................8
3.4 存在的劣势 ...................................................10
4  江铃汽车进入欧洲市场的方式和策略 ..............................10
4.1 进入欧洲市场的方式 ...........................................10
4.2进入欧洲市场的价格策略 ........................................11
4.3进入欧洲市场的市场定位与品牌策略.............................. 12
4.4 进入欧洲市场的促销策略 .......................................13
参考文献 .........................................................15
致   谢 ..........................................................16

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