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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ075 论文字数:9717,页数:19

摘  要


【关键词】信息管理系统  数据流   数据表  模块




The Computer, as a tool to deal with information is highly developed to keep pace with the demand of data processing. Nowadays, computer develops at a high speed and used in all industries including school. The schools used to apply manual work to manage students’ information. However, as a part of computer applications, it has extraordinary advantages to use computer to manage students’ information compared with artificial management.
The article describes mainly discusses the design and development of Management System of Students’ Information based on ASP frame. As the design and development of the system chiefly intends to put up efficiency of school’s management of student, at the beginning the article principally describes the design aim and content of the system. Then it analyses of the realization and development of the system. Meanwhile the article depicts the design of the system especially the design of the database in detail. It also introduces the related module and realization of the system together with the key codes. Finally, put forward a test and evaluation of the system.

【Keywords】The Management System of Information; Data Stream; Data Table; Module


  目  录
1  引言 ...............................................2
1.1 系统目的 ..........................................2
1.2 本系统主要内容 ....................................3
2  需求分析 ...........................................3
2.1 系统结构分析 ......................................3
2.2 安全需求分析 ......................................4
2.3 其他需求分析 ......................................4
3  系统分析与设计 .....................................4
3.1 总体设计 ..........................................4
4  系统的开发与实现 ...................................8
4.1 主要技术简介 ......................................8
4.2 系统实现环境选择.................................. 10
4.3 系统主要模块的分析与实现 ..........................10
5  系统的测试与评价 ...................................14
5.1 系统的测试 ........................................14
5.2 系统的评价 ........................................16
6  结束语 .............................................16
参考文献.............................................. 18
致  谢.................................................19

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