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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM079   包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:10896,页数:15

摘   要


[关键词]   江西纺织品    出口现状     发展对策


With the development of the globalization and the integration of the international trade, there is rapid growth in textiles industry in Jiangxi. It brings new opportunities together with challenges to the textiles industry as the abolishment of global textile trade quotas, the adjustment of export tax rebate, the appreciation of the Renminbi. Under this background, how to improve the international competition is necessary in the face of an important issue. This article will make an analysis on the export of Jiangxi’s textiles. First, the article formulates the situation and the problems of the export of Jiangxi’s textiles. Then it analyses the opportunities and challenges of the export trade. In addition, it describes the experience of export trade in Zhejiang. Last, in government, field and enterprise, the writer advances some countermeasures which can last long about international competition, such as the adjustment of industrial structure, improving the self-innovation.

【Key Words】 Jiangxi’s textiles   export condition    countermeasure

目    录

前言 ...................................................2
1  江西省纺织品出口贸易现状及存在的问题 ................2
1.1 江西省纺织品出口贸易现状 ...........................2
1.2江西省纺织品出口贸易存在的问题 ......................3
1.3江西省纺织品出口问题原因分析 ........................5
2. 江西省纺织品出口贸易面临的机遇与挑战 ................5
2.1江西纺织品出口面临的机遇 ............................5
2.2江西纺织品出口面对的挑战 ............................6
3.江西省纺织品出口贸易的发展对策与建议 .................8
3.1浙江省纺织品出口经验借鉴............................ 8
3.2江西省纺织品出口贸易发展的应对措施 ..................9
参考文献 ...............................................14
致谢 ..................................................15

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