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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM198    论文字数:7201,页数:12

摘    要


【关键词】外商直接投资  江西省服务业  对外开放



With the reform and be open to the outside world, the opening of Jiangxi province service has raised day by day and attracted more foreign direct investment. Our country also must keep our specific promise after coming into WTO.Service sectors will be the biggest investment domain on the opening of Jiangxi province. However the Jiangxi province is facing good opportunity of using the foreign capital, it is also facing to a bigger challenge. In order to catch up with the opportunity that China comes into the WTO and make Jiangxi province step into a new step in using foreign capital. Jiangxi province needs to adopt many police measures which match to the situation of Jiangxi province and China, in the aspects of improving investment environment and policy creatively.
This paper mainly introduces the situation of FDI utilization in Jiangxi province service sectors, then discusses the problem and effect that how we have met using FDI. Finally we present some concrete proposals and measures for using FDI.

【Key Word】Foreign Direct Investment ; Jiangxi province Service sectors; Opening up to the outside world


目  录

1  江西省服务业利用外资的现状 ...........................................2
2  江西省服务业利用外资存在的问题 .......................................3
2.1外资总体规模偏小,外资流入不稳定 .....................................4
2.2投资结构不合理 .......................................................4
2.3服务业开放程度低 .....................................................6
2.4服务业法制不健全 .....................................................6
2.5服务业高级人才缺乏,整体素质不高 .....................................6
3  影响江西省服务业利用外资的因素 .......................................6
3.1服务业利用外国直接投资的有利因素 .....................................6
3.2服务业利用外国直接投资的不利因素 .....................................7
4  相关对策建议 .........................................................8
4.1改善江西省服务业的投资环境 ...........................................8
4.2深化改革,健全监管机制,调整服务业内部结构 ...........................8
4.3继续扩大开放,打破一些服务行业的行政垄断 .............................9
4.4完善服务领域的法律规范 ...............................................9
4.5大力培育服务业高级专业人才 ...........................................9
参考文献 ................................................................11
致  谢 ..................................................................12

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