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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM076   包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:9378,页数:14

摘     要


[关键词] 江西省 加工贸易 问题与对策


Based on the background that the processing trade has shifted from the coast area to the mid-inland area in our country, this article elaborated objectively the world processing trade produces and its contribution to the development of the whole world.Then the thesis analyzed the stimulative relations between the economic development of Jiangxi Province and the processing trade developing.At the same time, the article also analyzes the necessity, the pressing and the feasibility that developing the processing trade scientificly. Through studying the experience and lesson of Zhejiang Province, the thesis pointed out the present problems in Jiangxi developing the processing trade and gave the relevant countermeasures. Under the global economic integration tendency, Jiangxi should closely grasp the historical opportunity, open to the outside, and advance the processing trade vigorously to the depth development.

【Keywords 】:Jiangxi Province  processing trade  question and countermeasure


目   录

1. 导论 ...................................................2
1.1加工贸易的成因及特征 ...................................2
1.2加工贸易的发展状况及趋势 ...............................2
1.3加工贸易对经济发展的贡献 ...............................3
2.江西省加工贸易发展现状及存在的问题 .....................4
2.1江西省加工贸易发展现状 .................................4
2.2 江西发展加工贸易的比较优势分析 ........................6
2.3江西省加工贸易发展中存在的问题 .........................7
3. 发达省份发展加工贸易的经验借鉴——以浙江省为例 .........8
3.1浙江着力实施“走出去”战略 .............................8
3.2努力完善出口加工区的功能和政策 .........................8
3.3着力实施品牌战略和培植龙头企业......................... 9
4. 江西省加工贸易发展的有效策略 ...........................9
4.1政府方面的措施 .........................................9
4.2企业方面的对策........................................ 11
参考文献.................................................. 13
致谢 ......................................................14

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