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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM195   论文字数:8600,页数:13

摘   要

【关键词】外商直接投资  跨国并购  区位优势

Under the background of economical globalization, to realize the harmonious development of society, we must unceasingly reinforce the exchange with international economy to attract large amount of international capital of high quality which can promote the development of local economy.
The foreign direct investment has played an important role in our country’s national economic development since the reform and open policy. By using the foreign capital, Jiangxi Province has promoted it’s economic development, optimized it’s industrial structure, impelled it’s economic reform. But simultaneously, there’re also some questions such as the shortage of the foreign investment total quantity; the singularity of the domain, the form, the source of the foreign investment; the imbalance of local structure and so on. Therefore, this article trys to analyze the question during making use of the foreign capital, to come to the summary of the superiority and inferiority by using the foreign capital, to find out the way of how to use the foreign capital effectively and to promote the economical growth of JiangXi Province.

【Key Words】Jiangxi Province; Foreign Direct Investment; Current Situation; Countermeasure


目  录

1   改革开放以来江西省利用外资的历程.........................................2
2   外资在江西经济发展中的作用和贡献 ........................................3
2.1 促进了江西经济的发展 ....................................................3
2.2 优化了江西的产业结构 ....................................................3
2.3 推动了江西省的经济体制改革 ..............................................4
3   江西利用外资存在的问题 ..................................................4
3.1 外商投资总量低 ..........................................................4
3.2 知名跨国公司较少 ........................................................4
3.3 外商投资领域单一,产业结构不合理 ........................................5
3.4 外商投资地区结构失衡 ....................................................5
3.5 外商投资形式单一 ........................................................5
3.6 外商投资国来源单一 ......................................................5
4   江西扩大利用外资的优势与劣势............................................ 6
4.1 江西利用外资的优势 ......................................................6
4.2 江西利用外资的劣势 ......................................................7
5   扩大江西省利用外资的对策 ................................................8
5.1 审视与完善相关政策法规.................................................. 8
5.2 完善投资环境,增强对外资的吸引力 ........................................9
5.3 开放服务业,鼓励外商投资高新技术产业 ....................................9
5.4 积极开拓新的引资途径,多种形式利用外资 ..................................10
5.5 积极创新招商机制,提高主动招商效果 ......................................10
5.6 转变引资观念,加强对外资的监督和管理 ....................................11
参考文献 ....................................................................12
致谢 .......................................................................13

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