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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM257  包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:5961,页数:10

摘    要


【关键词】江西    出口    问题    对策



With the economic globalization, the export of Jiangxi province keeps a continuous growth. The international trade of Jiangxi reaches a tremendous achievement. Jiangxi’s international trade status has been turned into a big market, big amount and rapid development from few variety and small amount and low-level. But Jiangxi international trade scale is still small and the proportion to the national amount turns to be downward compared with developed province. To achieve the successful development of export by leaps and bounds, Jiangxi must solve their own problems, exert the comparative advantages to enhance export competitiveness and boost the growth of export.
Starts form the current status of development of Jiangxi exports including mass labor-intensive manufactures, small-scale, concentrated market in developed countries and regions, this thesis analyzes the problems that the irrationality of the management structure, underdeveloped processing trade short of high-technology, irrational structure of the target market and lack of brand awareness. Then the thesis explores the relative strategy.

【Key Words】Jiangxi;  Export;  Problem;  Strate

目   录

1  江西外贸出口发展状况概述................................2
1.1 出口贸易持续快速增长 ..................................2
1.2 出口贸易总量规模偏小 ..................................2
1.3 出口商品主要以劳动密集型制成品为主 ....................3
1.4 出口市场主要集中在发达国家和地区 ......................3
2  江西外贸出口存在的问题 .................................4
2.1 外贸经营主体结构不合理 ................................4
2.2 加工贸易比重低,出口商品技术含量低 ....................5
2.3 出口市场结构不合理 ....................................6
2.4 品牌意识不足 ..........................................6
3  江西外贸出口发展对策 ...................................6
3.1 优化外贸主体结构 ......................................6
3.2 立足自身优势,发挥比较优势 ............................7
3.3 建立多元化的市场结构 ..................................7
3.4  品牌战略和大公司战略相结合,提升外贸出口竞争优势..... 8
参考文献 ..................................................9
致   谢 ...................................................10

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