论文编号:GM804 论文字数:10856.页数:17
摘 要:针对工业工程的思想以及基础IE与精益生产的关系,介绍了如何实施IE步骤,包括流程分析、动作分析和生产线平衡分析。同时,阐述了如何分析生产线上存在的浪费以及如何结合人因工程原理和动作经济性原则去改进不合理工作台布置和操作。目前,我们正泰电器股份有限公司正在大力推行精益生产,目的是消除不必要的浪费,力争从生产现场上降低成本。本文结合公司熔断器装配生产流水线的特点,详细阐述了IE方法在装配流水线中的具体运用过程。
Abstract:The ideal of IE and the relation between IE and lean production were introduced and told us how to implement IE process which include flow analyze,movement analyze and product line balancing analyze. And tell us how to find the wastage on product line and how to improvement irrationality worktable and operation with movement economical principle .The Zhejiang Chint electrics Co.,Ltd began to push lean production and planed to save the cost. The ways to use this IE method was introduced with a case analysis.
Key words:IE;lean production;flow analyze;movement analyze;product line balancing analyze