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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM354  论文字数:10606.页数:13


摘    要: 本文通过介绍和分析中小企业的融资环境并基于文献资料和暑期非正规金融社会实践的课题调查获得的数据及相关资料,引出中小企业在融资过程中面临的问题和困惑,即中小企业在通过以银行信贷为主要方式的正规金融途径融资和通过其他非正规金融渠道获得融资便利这两者之间的偏好取向,并运用信息经济学中信息不对称的理论知识分析解释这一偏好取向,并提出解决信息不对称这一问题的意见和建议,冀望能够丰富中小企业的融资选择,降低和控制中小企业的融资风险,为其良性发展提供有利的金融环境。
关 键 词: 中小企业  融资  非正规金融  信息不对称 

Explain the financing fancy of small and medium sized enterprises                                               ——in the angle of asymmetric information theory

Abstract: The article starts with the introduction and analysis of the finance circumstance of small and medium sized enterprises and the data from social practice and other information, amplify on the problems and puzzles which faced in small and medium sized enterprises’ financing activity. It names the choices between formal financing and informal financing .Then use the informational economics theory and asymmetric information theory to analyze relevant issues and finally give some advices for solving the relevant problems, in hope of enriching the financing choices of small and medium sized enterprises、reducing and controlling the financing risk of small and medium sized enterprises、providing a positive financial circumstance for the further development of small and medium sized enterprises.
Key Words: small and medium sized enterprise、financing、informal finance、 asymmetric information

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