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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM097      论文字数:12920,页数:19

摘    要


【关键词】品牌  品牌策略  贸易摩擦  贸易壁垒



With the fast development of the foreign trade, advancing the open market and joining the WTO, the trade friction in the world of our country demonstrates the situation of occurring frequently. Only the whole year of 2005 the trade surplus is up to 1018.8 million dollars. Although the huge trade surplus has made direct contribution to our country’s GDP, it takes so many effects, such as: trade friction, trade barrier, deterioration of the environment, humanities destruction. All of these can’t be ignored. The first half of the article is that the various trade dispute numerous and complicated appearing to all above have made the strategic arms being the dispute resolving our country trade analyze, and bring forward brand tactics. The latter half part is secondary microcosmic mount the dispute coming to resolve foreign trade the tactics how to wield a brand having brought forward enterprise and the government, only this could make our country go out of the big trading nation and become the top powerful country of commerce of the world.

【Key Words】Brand  Tactics  Trade friction  Trade barrier


目  录

1 .导论 ................................................................1
1.1 . 本文的核心观点的背景分析 .........................................1
1.2 .本文的写作意向 ....................................................2
2 .我国对外贸易中企业忽视品牌问题的具体表现 ............................3
2.1 .出口商品品牌化程度低 ..............................................3
2.2 .品牌的自我保护意识淡薄 ............................................4
2.3 .品牌的附加价值低导致企业竞争力不强 ................................5
2.4 .品牌营销意识淡薄且手段单一 ........................................5
3 .品牌策略对解决我国外贸问题的作用分析 ................................6
3.1 .实施品牌策略能有效扼制出口企业“空心化”危险 ......................6
3.2 .实施品牌策略有利于减缓国际“贸易摩擦”危机 ........................7
3.3 .实施品牌策略能消除其他国家对我国实行“反倾销”等贸易壁垒 ..........7
3.4 .实施品牌策略能降低我国对外贸易所付出的惨重代价 ....................9
4 .解决我国对外贸易争端战略转型的品牌策略 ..............................11
4.1 .企业实施品牌的应对措施 ............................................11
4.2 .政府对品牌的扶持策略 ..............................................15
参考文献 ...............................................................17
致谢 ...................................................................18

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