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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM073   包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:13340,页数:20

摘   要

     进入21世纪,全球一体化、区域经济集团化成为了世界经济不可逆转的发展潮流。2003年6月29日香港与内地签署了“内地与香港更紧密经贸关系安排”(Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement,简称CEPA),标志着两地的经贸关系从民间自发合作迈向政府之间制度性合作安排的新阶段,随着内地与香港CEPA的签署,珠江三角洲也加快了与港澳的经济融合的步伐。CEPA于2004年开始实施,涉及货物贸易、服务贸易、贸易投资便利化三大方面,涵盖了货物贸易、服务贸易和贸易投资便利化三方面内容,总目标是提高香港、澳门与内地之间的经贸合作水平,实现共同发展。

【关键词】CEPA 珠江三角洲  区域经济   



During the mid-1990s of last century, after a series of economic events such as serious financial crisis, depression of US economy as well as global economy, and so on, the economy of Hong Kong has been through a downturn. In the 21st century, globalization and region collectivization have become the trend of the world economy. Hong Kong turned back to Mainland before 6th anniversary one day on 29 June 2003, finally, reached a final agreement of “Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA)”which was born by citizen of two lands and passed to government for making it become reality. As the mainland has signed the CEPA with Hong Kong and Macao, the Pan-Pearl River Delta also promoted its economic integration with Hong Kong and Macao. CEPA carried out in January 1, 2004, included the good trade, the service trade and conveniences of the investment in order that to improve the lever between Hong Kong, Macao and the mainland.
 In recent years, many researches have been done on CEPA’s impact to the mainland, and certain accomplishment has been made. With the predecessor’s studies, this paper firstly introduces the background and influence of CEPA; secondly, analyses the problems brought by CEPA to Pan-Pearl River Delta, which comes at the same time with the opportunities; thirdly, give some advises and measurements for those opportunities and challenges; finally, predicts the future of Pan-Pearl River Delta’s economy after the signing of CEPA.
All in all, CEPA have a substantial effect to China’s economy. As long as we go forward and never give up for the failure, Mainland ,Hong Kong and Macau economic cooperation will be secure .Hopefully, in 21 century their successful cooperation could be seen it clearer.

[key words] CEPA, The Pan-Pearl River Delta, Region Economy      


目 录

1 CEPA给珠江三角洲经济发展带来的有利影响 .....................(4)
  1.1 CEPA给货物贸易带来的有利影响............................(6)
      1.1.1 CEPA中货物贸易的有关政策 .........................(7)
      1.1.2 CEPA货物贸易达到共赢局面 .........................(7)
1.1.3 对制造业的有利影响 .....................................(9)
  1.2 CEPA给服务贸易带来的有利影响.............................(10)
      1.2.1 CEPA中服务贸易的有关政策..........................(10)
      1.2.2 对金融业的有利影响................................(11)
      1.2.3 对房地产业的有利影响..............................(11)
2  CEPA给珠江三角洲经济带来的不利影响.........................(12)
  2.1 CEPA给货物贸易带来的不利影响............................(12)
      2.1.1 地理优势面临挑战..................................(12)
      2.1.2 对制造业的不利影响................................(13)
2.2 CEPA给服务贸易带来的不利影响..............................(13)
      2.2.2 对金融业的不利影响................................(14)
      2.2.3 对房地产业的不利影响...............................(14)
3  CEPA下珠江三角洲经济发展的对策.............................(15)
  3.1  货物贸易下的对策.......................................(15)
3.1.1 加强交通建设............................................(15)

3.1.2 调整区域产业结构........................................(15)
 3.2  服务贸易下的对策........................................(15)
3.2.1 合理利用优势............................................(16)
      3.2.2 向国际惯例靠拢....................................(16)

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