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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM066    包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:11415,页数:16

摘     要


【关键词】  资本市场  外资  房地产业



As the one of the prop industry of our national economy, the real estate industry occupies very important proportion in the national economy and social development. It is a basic production factor for the development of national economy, and provides important material term for the development of the national economy. The development of the real estate industry and the economy format a high degree''''s proportion relation. So, the influence that our national real estate industry receives from the international economy and regional characteristic changing will become more and more obviously after the entrance of WTO.
This paper analyses since joins the WTO, the massive foreign direct investment enters the national market, has the impact and the undulation from different Aspects of the national real estate market and peripheral industry, New circulation of capital to existing market environment change, One kind of new market pattern gradually is forming. the influence of the foreign direct investment that the entrance of WTO would bring to our national real estate, including the real estate industry in internationalization,management,market system and the market of the real estate industry and the challenge in idea, the intellectual property rights, the influence of international economy fluctuation, the regional characteristic development of the real estate industry, the survival environment for the real estate enterprise, etc.
Based on analyses the mentioned problems, this paper bring forward the countermeasures that our national real estate industry should adopt from different degrees such as the overall development, government in charge, real estate enterprise, the market system, finance system of the real estate industry. All of these will provide a beneficial operation method for our national real estate to seize the opportunity and to accept the challenge.
【Key Words】Capital Market; FDI (Foreign Direct Investment);  Real Estate Business
目   录

1.我国房地产业的发展现状 ................................................2
1.1 我国房地产业的市场供给状况分析 ......................................2
1.2 我国房地产业的市场需求状况分析...................................... 4
2. 入世后外资对我国房地产业的影响 .......................................5
2.1 外资对国内房地产业影响的宏观分析 ....................................5
2.2 外资对国内房地产市场影响的中观分析 ..................................7
2.3 外资对国内房地产市场影响的微观分析 ..................................8
3.房地产业应对对于外资的对策 ............................................9
3.1 练好内功,求强求活,提高生存能力 ....................................10
3.2 “规管并用”,从根本上建立和发展一个稳定合理的房地产市场 ............10
参考文献 ................................................................15
致   谢 .................................................................16

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