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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM072    包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:10550,页数:15

摘   要


【关键词】  贸易环境   贸易壁垒   市场销售  反倾销



With China entered into  WTO, the change of Chinese furniture industry attracts many insider and expert’s attention. First, a series of international conventions, trade barriers gradually deteriorating trade environment. Second, the domestic market in full swing have tremendous potential, however, overseas corporations have occupied preemptively the domestic market. In the drastic market, the one –up Guangdong’s furniture industry has been confronted simultaneously with development bottleneck as above mentioned. Product can be replicated quickly or exceeded by competitors, therefore the strong brand strategy has controlled initiative of the market. Simultaneously, design play the cultural carrier role, and hold the important status in the construction of furniture brand. Thus, the purpose of this essay is to deeply analyze the actuality and restrictive factors of the state by internal and external environments, even Guangdong’s furniture industry, then put forward some constructive suggestions for further improvement of Guangdong’s furniture industry by analyzing its developing change.

[Key  Words] Trade Environment; Trade Barrier; Marketing Anti-dumping


目   录

1  我国家具出口的现状 ..........................2
2  近年来我国家具出口面临的挑战 ................2
2.1贸易壁垒问题突出 ...........................2
2.2遭遇反倾销 .................................5
2.3国外品牌大举进入 ...........................7
3  加快发展家具行业的对策研究 ..................8
3.1企业微观层面的对策.......................... 8
3.2政府宏观层面的对策 ..........................11
参考文献 .......................................14
致  谢 .........................................15

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