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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM627  论文字数:17320.页数:27

摘  要


 Shaoxing, the textile capital of the world,one of its core industry is  textile industry. The main textile productions have got the top rank in Zhejiang, even in China. However, in the financial crisis, Shaoxing’s textile industry met a series of problems. Therefore, the harsh reality prompted us to think and take the initiative to find a solution and strategy development. This article made reference to national experts to study the development of the textile industry in Shaoxing, the author based on existing professional development of Shaoxing, the textile industry has made a relatively clear and complete analysis and discussion of the financial crisis exposed by the textile industry in Shaoxing issues Shaoxing, the textile industry and to the financial crisis continued to grow under the edge, and finally to the development of Shaoxing textile industry countermeasures from the perspective of the government and enterprises.

KEYWORDS:financial crisis, Shaoxing, textile industry

第一章 绪论 1
 第一节 选题背景 1
 第二节 研究主要内容和意义 2
第二章 相关文献综述 4
 第一节 关于绍兴纺织业发展有利因素的研究 4
 第二节 关于绍兴纺织业发展不利因素的研究 4
 第三节 关于绍兴纺织业发展面临问题的对策研究 5
 第四节 结论 6
第三章 绍兴纺织业概况 7
 第一节 绍兴纺织业发展历史 7
 第二节 金融危机前绍兴纺织业发展状况 9
第四章 金融危机对绍兴纺织业的影响分析 12
 第一节 金融危机对绍兴纺织业的影响表现 12
 第二节 金融危机下绍兴纺织业暴露出来的问题 14
 第三节 绍兴纺织业应对危机的竞争优势分析 16
第五章 应对措施 18
 第一节 企业角度 18
 第二节 政府角度 19
第六章 总结 21
参考文献 22
致  谢 24

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