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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM548  论文字数:13697.页数:18

摘  要

关键词:金融危机、鼓励进口、刺激消费 、经济增长方式

By the financial crisis, the all levels in China are subject to varying degrees, the economic growth slowed down significantly. China has been seeking measures to address the financial crisis. Based on the study of the economic situation at home and abroad  after financial crisis come to  that we must change the economic growth mode to deal with financial crisis. Therefore, Chinese trade policy have to change.Changing  from  encoura- ging exports to encourage imports to adapt the material to stimulate  gro-  wth in consumer demand.Import can accelerate the economic growth in China because of the improvement of international economic relations a-             nd the enhancement of the domestic consumption and the industrial stru-            cture. In view of its great trade surplus, China will adopt the import enha-    ncing polices. It is required that the tariffof consumergoods be lowered, the amalgamation of import firms be encouraged, the importbe procedure be simplified, and the regulation of  importbe  strengthened. Expangding domestic demand and stimulating consumption are not only the positive policy based on the national economic situation in the development and changes,but also the response to changes in international and importbe ec-     onomic situation and strategic choices.
KEYWORDS:financial crisis,   encourage imports,   stimulate consumption,     economic growth
第一章 引言……………………………………………………………   1
第二章 我国鼓励进口的必要性………………………………………   2
第一节 我国鼓励进口的外因………………………………………………  2
第二节 我国鼓励进口的内因………………………………………………  4
第三章 金融危机前我国进口策略……………………………………   7
第一节 关税壁垒…………………………………………………………   7
第二节 非关税壁垒………………………………………………………    7
第四章 金融危机后我国鼓励进口的政策……………………………   9
第二节扩大进口的重点……………………………………………………  9
第三节 政府鼓励进口的政策……………………………………………    10
 一、进一步完善进口管理体制…………………………………………    10
 二、 完善进口政策,充分发挥进口在促进我国经济发展中的作用…………  11
 三、降低消费品的进口关税以及国内消费税……………………………   11
 四、加大政府对进口的宏观管理为扩大进口营造良好氛围………………  11
 五、 坚定地实行促进居民收入长期持续增长的国内政策………………… 12
第五章 结论……………………………………………………………    13
参考文献………………………………………………………………  14
致谢……………………………………………………………………  15

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