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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ038       包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:5406,页数:10
摘     要


【关键词】 政府网站 绩效评价 数据包络分析


In this age the government websites embody the level of an area’s e-government development. The common evaluation methods only focus on the effect without complete consideration. Equity of the government website’s performance evaluation has great influence on the government websites’ development.
The concept of relative performance is proposed and the paper builds a evaluation model for government website’s relative performance.  The model takes both the government websites’ inputs and outputs into consideration. It uses the local human resources and material resources to reflect the inputs, and it uses the information openness index, online office index, and public partition index as the output. Finally, the paper makes an empirical study on Chinese 28 provincial government websites. The results show the model’s effectiveness and validity.  The model can be a good reference for related government apartments.

【Key Words】 Government Website; Performance Evaluation; Data Envelopment Analysis

目   录

1 前言 ..........................................2
1.1 文献综述 ....................................2
1.2 研究思路 ....................................3
1.3 核心概念 ....................................3
2  政府网站DEA评价模型 ..........................4
2.1 DEA原理 .....................................4
2.2 确定输入、输出指标 ..........................4
2.3 建立模型 ....................................5
3  实证分析 .....................................6
3.1数据计算 .....................................6
3.2结果分析 .....................................7
4 结论 ..........................................8
参考文献 ........................................9
致   谢 .........................................10

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