论文编号:GM765 论文字数:19318.页数:26 附任务书,开题报告,文献综述,外文翻译
摘 要
关键词: 风险控制 、中小企业、 信贷 、信用机制
Small & medium-sized enterprise (SMSE), as the most energetic and vigorous economic corpus in the market economy,have been one of the most important motivations for the growth of economy in China. SMSE have played an important role in product technology innovation, industry structure readjustment, regional economy rise and especially in releasing working Pressure and transferring country working force,which makes SMSE the leading entities and factors in driving the constant and rapid growth of economy in China. To maintain rapid growth it is far from enough for SMSE to raise money only depending on self accumulation. They have to take advantage of outside finance channels among which bank loans are the main sources. But it is a common phenomenon existing throughout the world with different distant, that most of SMSE are quite difficult to get loans from banks.
This paper takes risk control of credit business of SMSE for commercial banks as foothold,on the basis of studying SMSE’5 characters and credit risk characters, analyzing the obstacle for SMSE to get loan from commercial bank, pointing out SMSE’s lack of credit and banks’ insufficiency in effectively evaluating the SMSE’s credit status as the key reasons of SMSE’s difficulty in getting bank loans .
This paper attempts to establish SMSE credit rating mechanism for breach, providing technical support for SMES to solve the difficulty in financing bank loans. Through the analysis and research on the bank’s credit rating mechanism of SMSE rated defects, according to the characteristics and the current situation of SMSE, referring the domestic and international credit rating of advanced theories and practice experience, revised and perfected the current credit rating mechanism, established a set of applicable credit rating index system for SMSE.
KEYWORDS:risk control, SMSE, credit loan, credit rating system正文目录
第一章 绪论 1
一、选题背景与意义 1
二、本文的研究思路 2
三、本文的研究方法 2
第二章 信贷风险相关理论 3
第一节 信贷风险概述 3
一、信贷风险的含义 3
二、信贷风险的经济学分析 3
第二节 信贷风险控制概念及基本思路 5
一、信贷风险控制的概念 5
二、信贷风险控制的基本思路 6
第三章 中小企业信贷概述 7
第一节 中小企业的界定及特点 7
一、中小企业的界定与特征 7
二、中小企业信贷风险特点 9
第二节 中小企业信贷分析 10
一、中小企业信贷需求分析 10
二、中小企业信贷难的原因分析 11
第三节 我国中小企业信用评价机制 13
一、商业银行信用评价应用分析 13
二、现行评价机制存在的问题 14
第四章 我国中小企业信用评价机制的建立 15
第一节 中小企业信用评价定量模型 15
一、Altman的Z计分模型的介绍 15
二、对Z计分模型的进一步探讨 15
三、对Z计分模型的调整 15
三、初步信用级别的判定 16
第二节 中小企业信用评价定性指标体系 16
一、宏观层面分析 16
二、中观层面分析 17
三、微观层面分析 17
四、构造新的中小企业信用评价定性指标体系 19
五、中小企业信用评价定性指标体系的使用 20
第五章 总结 21
参考文献 22