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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ039        包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:10505,页数:18

摘    要

【关键词】电子政务项目 外部效益  指标体系  层次分析法


E-government project is a series of investment behavior for the realization of highly effective, transparent, standardized electronic inter-office, the coordination work and service, in order to enhance the government competitive power. In accordance with e government project investigation and research statistics shows that one thirds of US e government project are failure, the figures are higher in developing countries. So e government project assessment is particularly important, in order to against problems of redundant low-level development, low use of finished project system and low benefit of e government.
E-government project assessment  at present excessively  concerned with technical  performance but lack of benefit appraisal after project construction. Since e-government project be as a social project of relating to everybody, we more need a appraisal for project benefit  besides technical   evaluation  .
It establishes the e-government project external benefit appraisal  targets and evaluation method in the text, proposing with the comprehensive   level index to reflect its external benefit level. Among the comprehensive assessment method   for major indicators, we adopts the AHP which is fairly well developed for e-government project assessment, and get a series   of quantitative analysis results and level standard Finally, we summing up experience from the example analysis, in order to enhances to the project management level.

【Key Words】E-government Project;External Benefit;Index System;Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP);

目   录
1  前言........................................................ 2
1.1 研究现状 ...................................................2
1.2 研究意义 ...................................................3
2  电子政务项目特点及其外部效益概述.............................3
2.1 电子政务项目的特点 .........................................3
2.2 电子政务项目的外部效益 .....................................3
3  电子政务项目外部效益评价指标体系............................ 6
3.1 评价指标的选择原则 .........................................6
3.2 指标体系设计 ...............................................7
4  电子政务项目综合评价方法.....................................8
4.1 指标标准化 .................................................8
4.2 层次分析法原理 .............................................9
4.3  层次分析法在项目评估中的应用 ..............................11
5  实例分析.....................................................14
5.1 构造决策矩阵 ...............................................14
5.2 计算综合评价值 .............................................14
5.3 结论和讨论 .................................................14
6  结束语.......................................................15
致    谢........................................................18

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