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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM183 包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:9711,页数:14

摘  要
      西部地区的市场总量规模的扩大 , 对于跨国公司的全球战略来讲是至关重要的。我国大力开发西部地区,引进外资,采取一系列的优惠政策,导致西部这么一个庞大而且增长迅速的市场尤为引人瞩目。跨国汽车企业将其投资这一市场的战略目标确定为:以提高跨国公司国际竞争力为核心,努力实现系统化、多样化、国际化的投融资方式。跨国汽车公司进入的目的已不仅仅在于占领西部汽车消费市场,更注重把西部的汽车制造业纳入其全球产业链,注重在西部投资的战略性和长期性。本文从近年跨国公司在华投资目标、地域、行业以及方式的调整归纳开始,结合西部汽车业的发展现状,探讨了西部汽车业在当前形势下的发展对策。

【关键词】跨国公司 投资战略 汽车业


The expansion of the total market size in western region of our country is critical for multinational corporations and their global strategy. These years China has made much effort to develop the western region with attracting foreign investment and adopting a series of preferential policies. That makes the western region market a rapid grow and so attractive. Transnational automobile companies take their investment strategy as to enhance the international competitive power and realize the systemized, diversified and globalized investment. The purpose of transnational automobile companies to invest lies not only in the market share to occupy, but also  in the integration of their global industry chain. This paper concluded the changes of transnational corporations’ investment in China such as goal, region, industry and pattern. The condition of auto industry in western region was analyzed.  At last some ways to deal with the situation were supposed.

【Key Words】 Transnational corporations;Investment strategy;Auto industry


目   录

1   近年跨国公司在华投资的调整 ...................................2
1.1 投资目标的调整 ...............................................2
1.2 投资地域的调整 ...............................................3
1.3 投资行业的调整 ...............................................3
1.4 投资方式的调整 ...............................................3
2   西部汽车业的发展现状 .........................................4
2.1 尚未形成规模经济 .............................................4
2.2 缺乏技术创新................................................. 5
2.3 相关工业技术水平落后......................................... 5
2.4 没有形成完善的汽车服务贸易体系 ...............................5
2.5 营销模式单一 .................................................6
3   跨国公司的投资对西部汽车业的意义............................. 6
3.1 跨国投资对西部汽车业积极意义 .................................6
3.2 跨国公司投资对西部汽车业的消极影响 ...........................8
4   西部汽车业的发展对策 .........................................10
4.1 企业加强自主创新能力建设 .....................................10
4.2 政府加强宏观调控 .............................................10
4.3 加强企业间的联系与合作 .......................................11
4.4 完善相关产业体系 .............................................11
参考文献......................................................... 13
致谢 ............................................................14

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