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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM189  论文字数:12291,页数:17

摘  要


【关键词】跨国公司  对华投资  社会责任  企业责任



Since the latest several decades, the international corporations have played an important role in the world economic system and their activities lead to important effects and function to the global economic development. The powerful economic abilities and the pursuit of high profit in the worldwide will create many collapses between the subsidiaries of the international corporation and the host company; the subsidiaries and the head companies; host country and the head country. The activities of such international corporation will bring in adverse to the related countries even to the international society which leads to the discussion of the social responsibilities of the multinational corporations. 
As a special organization, multinational corporations undertake special social responsibilities in the host country, especially in developing host countries like China. The social responsibilities of multinational corporations would grow largely if a uniformed standard is set up and effective supervision is exercised.
This thesis is mainly focus on the content of the social responsibilities in the host countries, the reasons of undertaking the social responsibilities and the analyses of the situation of the multinational corporations in China.

【Key Words】 multinational corporation ;social responsibilities;investing in China,;policy,;standard ;performance


目  录

1.  跨国公司社会责任的内涵 ...........................................2
1.1 跨国公司的含义................................................... 2
1.2 何为跨国公司的社会责任 ...........................................3
1.3 跨国公司对我国承担社会责任的主要内容 .............................4
2.  跨国公司必须承担社会责任的原因 ...................................6
2.1 从资源利用上来考虑 ...............................................7
2.2 从企业的“社会契约理论”来考虑 ...................................7
2.3 从跨国公司对东道国的主权、文化和自然环境等造成的影响来考虑 .......8
2.4 从全球经济格局的不合理性来考虑 ...................................8
3.  跨国公司在中国承担社会责任的现状、问题及成因分析 .................8
3.1 跨国公司在中国承担社会责任的现状与问题 ...........................8
3.2 跨国公司在中国有关社会责任问题产生的原因分析 .....................11
4.  促进跨国公司在中国承担更多社会责任的对策 .........................12
4.1 完善我国立法体制,将企业社会责任法制化 ............................13
4.2 建立企业社会责任评价体系 .........................................13
4.3 为社会公众提供对企业的进行社会责任监督的渠道 .....................14
4.4 纠正招商引资带来的误区 ...........................................14
参考文献 ..............................................................16
致    谢.............................................................. 17


摘  要


【关键词】跨国公司  对华投资  社会责任  企业责任



Since the latest several decades, the international corporations have played an important role in the world economic system and their activities lead to important effects and function to the global economic development. The powerful economic abilities and the pursuit of high profit in the worldwide will create many collapses between the subsidiaries of the international corporation and the host company; the subsidiaries and the head companies; host country and the head country. The activities of such international corporation will bring in adverse to the related countries even to the international society which leads to the discussion of the social responsibilities of the multinational corporations. 
As a special organization, multinational corporations undertake special social responsibilities in the host country, especially in developing host countries like China. The social responsibilities of multinational corporations would grow largely if a uniformed standard is set up and effective supervision is exercised.
This thesis is mainly focus on the content of the social responsibilities in the host countries, the reasons of undertaking the social responsibilities and the analyses of the situation of the multinational corporations in China.

【Key Words】 multinational corporation ;social responsibilities;investing in China,;policy,;standard ;performance


目  录

1.  跨国公司社会责任的内涵 ...........................................2
1.1 跨国公司的含义................................................... 2
1.2 何为跨国公司的社会责任 ...........................................3
1.3 跨国公司对我国承担社会责任的主要内容 .............................4
2.  跨国公司必须承担社会责任的原因 ...................................6
2.1 从资源利用上来考虑 ...............................................7
2.2 从企业的“社会契约理论”来考虑 ...................................7
2.3 从跨国公司对东道国的主权、文化和自然环境等造成的影响来考虑 .......8
2.4 从全球经济格局的不合理性来考虑 ...................................8
3.  跨国公司在中国承担社会责任的现状、问题及成因分析 .................8
3.1 跨国公司在中国承担社会责任的现状与问题 ...........................8
3.2 跨国公司在中国有关社会责任问题产生的原因分析 .....................11
4.  促进跨国公司在中国承担更多社会责任的对策 .........................12
4.1 完善我国立法体制,将企业社会责任法制化 ............................13
4.2 建立企业社会责任评价体系 .........................................13
4.3 为社会公众提供对企业的进行社会责任监督的渠道 .....................14
4.4 纠正招商引资带来的误区 ...........................................14
参考文献 ..............................................................16
致    谢.............................................................. 17

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