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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM227     包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:8058,页数:12

摘   要


【关键词】跨文化差异     谈判思维     思维方式



With the development of globalization, business activities are more and more frequently. The concept of “cross-culture” has been flexibly used by many entrepreneurs for their enterprises in the world. Cross-culture business negotiation has become an important part of international business communication activity. Therefore, in order to effect the negotiation effectively and gain the win-win situation for both party, we must have a thorough understanding of different cultures, analyze the differences among the cross-culture thinking, and its influence on negotiation thinking. Through the embedded research on thinking style, we can distinguish the negotiation styles and skills of different cultures. The thesis is to elaborate the importance of negotiation thinking in the business negotiation, and the influence of the cultural differences upon the mode of thinking. In the passage, the positive and negative influence of the cultural differences for the business negotiation under the cross-cultural background is to be discussed. It mainly focuses on the differences of negotiation thinking, the acceptance of different culture, the caution is the business communication, the complication of negotiation and so on. Furthermore, some countermeasures for the cross-cultural negotiating are to be put forwarded. Such as, the establishment of relationship in different negotiation parties, the understanding of the policy procedure, attention to the legal environment of the dissimilarity nations, etc. The intention of the thesis is to provide certain theories instruction to the business negotiation practice.

【key word】 Multi-culture difference;   Negotiation thinking;
 Thinking style


目  录

1    谈判思维及其在商务谈判中的重要性 ........................................2
1.1 谈判思维 ................................................................2
1.2 谈判思维在谈判中的重要性 ................................................2
2    文化差异性对思维方式的影响.............................................. 3
2.1 文化差异性的表现........................................................ 3
2.2 文化差异性对思维方式的影响 ..............................................3
3    跨文化差异对谈判思维的影响 ..............................................4
3.1  跨文化差异对谈判思维的总体影响 ..........................................4
3.2  跨文化差异对谈判思维的正面影响 ..........................................6
3.3  跨文化差异对谈判思维的负面影响 ..........................................8
4    应对跨文化谈判中思维模式差异的对策方法 ..................................9
结语 .........................................................................10
参考文献 .....................................................................11
致  谢....................................................................... 12

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