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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM056    包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:8767,页数:14

摘   要


【关键词】品牌  品牌国际化  海外拓展  产品多元化


There is such a definitive in business: The top-class enterprises sell brand, the second-class enterprises sell standard, the third-class enterprises sell technology, and the forth-class enterprises sell products. This shows that the competitiveness of the significance of brand. To respond to the call of the Central Government and the State Council of P.R.C., carrying out innovative national strategy and speeding up the building of self-owned brands, the Commerce Department held the campaign “Brands Travel Ten Thousand Miles” in June, 2006, which further promotes the brand attitude in China. This thesis is completed under this basis.
With the integration of the previous studies on correlative fields and studying Lenovo’s expansion to oversea market, I found the success of its brand-internationalization lies in: Through transnational mergers and acquisitions and sports marketing, gained a well-known brand ''''Think'''' and greatly enhance the reputation of the Legend brand in the international market; And it’s inadequate protection lies : Because of lack of a strong sense of brand, its property had been registering in a number of countries, as well as a range of issues arising from product diversification. After analyzed both the success and weakness of Lenovo’s brand internationalization and summarized some rules about the brand internationalization. I hope what I did will be helpful for domestic enterprises to build globally renowned brands.

[Kew Words] Brand; Brand Internationalization;; Overseas Expand; Product Diversification


目   录

1  联想品牌的海外拓展成功分析 .......................2
1.1 收购IBM个人电脑事业部 ...........................2
1.2 借助体育营销来参与奥运TOP .......................4
2  联想品牌海外拓展的问题分析 .......................6
2.1 商标事件 ........................................6
2.2 产品多元化带来的品牌问题 ........................7
2.3品牌自主创新不足 .................................8
3  给国内其他家电企业打造国际化品牌的启示 ...........10
3.1 国际化的品牌命名 ................................10
3.2 通过品牌兼并快速扩大规模 ........................10
3.3 加强品牌保护意识 ................................11
3.4 运用本土行销策略 ................................11
参考文献 ............................................13
致  谢 ..............................................14

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