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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ084 论文字数:7759,页数:13

摘    要


[关键词]搜索引擎 商务模式 个性服务


To gain and effectively use the information already became the key of the enterprise growth. The on-line search that we frequently use also is the most effective method to collect information. As the search engine from appearance to popularization in several years, the search engine commercial pattern has advanced a lot. From the early time, the search engine provides the search service as the technology provider for other websites and the websites pay money for the search engine. Afterwards, the popular commercial pattern changed into searching competitive price rank service. However, the changes of the search engine commercial pattern have not certainly met the technical progress and users’ demand.
This paper firstly introduces the basic concept of the search engine and the running principle; secondly, it introduces the development and the problems of the search engine commercial pattern; the paper thirdly analyzes the prospect of the emerging search engine commercial pattern, especially analyzes the commercial value which is brought from digging the search engine database once again and the possibility of the individual service; finally, the paper carries on the forecast through the case in the search engine industry.

[Key words] search engine; commercial pattern; individual service


目  录

1.搜索引擎发展概况 ...........................................2
1.1搜索引擎的概念及原理 ......................................2
1.2搜索引擎的发展历程 ........................................3
2搜索引擎商务模式存在的问题.................................. 4
2.1搜索引擎自身的问题 ........................................4
2.2搜索引擎商务模式的缺陷.................................... 5
3搜索引擎新商务模式的分析.................................... 6
3.1付费搜索——分类搜索的必然结果 ............................6
3.2个性服务——搜索引擎数据库开发 ............................7
4搜索引擎商务模式案例分析及总结 .............................10
4.1搜索引擎商务模式案例分析 .................................10
4.2总结 .....................................................11
参考文献 ....................................................12
致   谢 .....................................................13

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